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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Royal Oak Akuisisi 7 Perusahaan Rp 512 Miliar

PT Royal Oak Development Tbk (RODA) mengakui telah menandatangani perjanjian pendahuluan jual beli atas saham tujuh perusahaan atau akuisisi senilai Rp 512 miliar.
"Kami sudah anggarkan beberapa proyek akuisisi. Tujuh diantaranya sudah ada kesepakatan dengan nilai mencapai Rp512 miliar," kata Financial Advisor RODA, Andreas Tjendana, di Jakarta.

Perusahaan yang diakuisisi RODA yakni PT Multi Pratama Gemilang, PT Tiara Sakti Mandiri, PT Fortuna Cahaya Cemerlang, PT Bangun Megah Pratama, PT Simpruk Arteri Realty, PT Indo Prakasa, PT Lumbung Mas Sejahtera.

Ia menambahkan, perusahaan juga tengah membidik tiga perusahaan properti untuk diakuisisi hingga akhir 2011. "Sampai akhir 2011, kita sedang membidik untuk mengakuisisi dua sampai tiga perusahaan properti. Sekarang masih dalam tahap negosiasi. Jadi hingga akhir 2011, bisa dibilang kita akan melakukan akuisisi terhadap kurang lebih 10 perusahaan properti," ujarnya.

Ia mengatakan, dana akuisisi itu berasal dari pinjaman perbankan dan pelepasan saham anak usaha (divestasi) RODA sebesar 99,86 persen saham di bidang keuangan PT Transpacific Mutual Capita (TMC) kepada PT Swadayanusa Kencana Raharja. "Dana akuisisi dari pelepasan saham anak usaha dan mungkin juga dari perbankan," ujarnya.

Direktur Utama RODA Subianto Satmaka menambahkan, divestasi saham anak usaha itu senilai Rp 730 miliar atau setara dengan 799,09 juta saham yang telah disetujui kedua pihak setelah ditandatanganinya Nota Kesepahaman pada 16 Mei 2011. "Dari proses divestasi, kami dapat dana Rp 730 miliar untuk pelepasan 799,09 lembar saham. Itu setara dengan 99,86 persen kepemilikan TMC. Dana ini akan kami gunakan untuk langkah akuisisi," ujarnya.

Ia mengatakan, proses divestasi dan akuisisi itu tengah menunggu persetujuan dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) yang akan digelar dalam waktu dekat. "Rencana pelepasan saham ini dilakukan untuk restrukturisasi anak usahanya terkait rencana perusahaan untuk fokus pada bidang properti saja. Kita tinggal mendapatkan persetujuan RUPS," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, langkah divestasi ini dipandang tepat karena dengan melepaskan investasi di TMC, perseroan dapat lebih berkonsentrasi investasi pada sektor properti yang sebenarnya merupakan bisnis inti perusahaan. "Bidang properti memiliki prospek yang menjanjikan seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dan memenuhi kebutuhan investasi dan saran hunian perkotaan yang berkualitas bagi masyarakat umum," kata dia.

Bumitama to raise about $150 mln in S'pore IPO

* HSBC, DBS pre-marketing the IPO despite weak mkt sentiment
* Bumitama has alliance with IOI, aims to double planted acreage 

Indonesia's Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA) is targeting a Singapore listing in the third quarter to raise around $150 million, in a bet that investor appetite for resources will hold up despite the overall weak market, sources said on Friday. 

"HSBC and DBS are currently pre-marketing the approximately $150 million IPO for BGA palm oil plantation on the Singapore Exchange. Management roadshows are expected to commence in early July," a source familiar with the deal told Reuters. The source did not want to be named because the information has not been made public. 

Two other sources said DBS will speak to some of its traders and potential investors later on Friday in Singapore, while HSBC has planned meetings in Hong Kong next week and London the week after. 

HSBC and DBS declined to comment.
It was not immediately clear if BGA will list all its operations in the IPO. BGA owns palm oil plantations and processes the fresh palm fruit into crude palm oil and palm kernel for sale in Indonesia. 

According to BGA group's website (, the group has operations in Kalimantan and Riau with a planted area of about 95,800 hectares.
BGA hopes to expand its planted area to 200,000 hectares by 2015 and has a partnership with Malaysia's IOI Corp. Source: Reuters

Bumi Q1 net profit up 16.5 pct on higher coal price

Bumi Resources, Asia's biggest thermal coal exporter, said on Friday its first-quarter 2011 net profit rose 16.5 percent as higher coal prices made up for lower output.

Bumi, controlled by the politically-connected Bakrie family and part-owned by Nathaniel Rothschild's mining investment vehicle Vallar , said its first-quarter net profit rose to $113 million from $97 million a year ago, based on Indonesian accounting principles that were meant to end in 2010.

First-quarter revenue grew 21 percent to $1.23 billion, compared with revenue of $1.02 billion in the year-ago period, said Dileep Srivastava, a Bumi director, in an emailed statement.

Analysts forecast Bumi's 2011 net profit to reach $498 million, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Strong demand from Asian economies including India, Japan and China has lifted the price Bumi gets for its coal for power stations, but production fell in the first quarter due to heavy rainfall near its main mines in Kalimantan.

Bumi expects to produce 67 million tonnes of coal this year, up about 10 percent from 2010.
Shares in Bumi gained more than 11 percent in the first quarter to outperform a Jakarta index up around 3.2 percent in the same period. Source: Reuters