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Monday, March 7, 2011

Indonesia Stock Rally Depends on Oil Price, Danareksa Says

Indonesian stocks depend on a drop in oil prices to extend a rally that has driven the benchmark index to a seven-week high, the nation’s top brokerage said. 

The Jakarta Composite index may climb further provided corporate earnings weather higher fuel costs exacerbated by government restrictions on the sale of subsidized fuel, according to Chandra Pasaribu, head of equity research at PT Danareksa Sekuritas, voted Indonesia’s best domestic brokerage in 2010 by Finance Asia magazine. 

The stock gauge has climbed 6.5 percent from a four-month low on Jan. 24 after data showed February inflation eased. The central bank kept interest rates unchanged on March 4 while highlighting rising price pressures. Middle East tensions have driven oil prices to a 29-month high, threatening to raise expenses for Indonesia, which imports about 47 percent of its fuel, according to data from state oil company PT Pertamina. 

“The market needs to overcome two hurdles, namely the fuel subsidy limits and the price of oil,” Jakarta-based Pasaribu said in an interview last week. “People need time to digest before deciding whether the negative impact of the subsidy cuts justifies the market valuation.” 

The Jakarta Composite rose 0.5 percent to 3,561.72 as of the 4 p.m. local-time close. The gauge’s shares trade at an average 14 times estimated profit, within 10 percent of the lowest level since May, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Valuations may increase to 15 times by the end of the year, said Pasaribu, who declined to give an index target.
Valuations May Rise 

He recommends buying PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia and PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, which owns Indonesia’s biggest instant-noodle maker. 

Oil futures have surged 16 percent this year, threatening to increase fuel subsidy costs at a time when Indonesia plans more infrastructure spending to boost growth. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has pledged to double infrastructure spending to $140 billion during his second five-year term to deliver average growth of 6.6 percent. 

Curbing subsidized fuel consumption may help the country cut subsidy spending in the state budget by 8.9 percent, Yudhoyono said in August. Fuel subsidies now account for 11.5 percent of government spending, official data show. 

Owners of private cars will be barred from buying subsidized diesel and gasoline in Jakarta and surrounding areas, Evita Legowo, the Energy Ministry’s director general of oil and gas, said in December. 

‘Long-Term Confidence’
The government has subsidized fuel prices since the 1950s to lower living costs for Indonesians, 29 percent of whom live on less than $2 a day. The price for Pertamina’s unsubsidized Pertamax fuel is between 8,100 and 10,450 rupiah a liter as of March 1 depending on location, according to data on the company’s website. Its subsidized fuel, known as Premium, is sold at 4,500 rupiah a liter nationwide. 

“There’s short-term cautiousness but long-term confidence in the Indonesian economy,” Pasaribu said. “Our economy is quite attractive to provide an upside potential for stocks.”
Moody’s Investors Service in January raised Indonesia’s credit rating to the highest level since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, citing “economic resilience” and improving public debt. Moody’s Ba1 rating is one step below investment grade. Indonesia’s economy grew 6.9 percent in the fourth quarter, the fastest pace in six years. 

Pasaribu hadn’t changed his views on Indonesian equities following Bank Indonesia’s March 4 decision to leave its benchmark reference rate at 6.75 percent, the analyst wrote in an e-mail yesterday. 

Buying Opportunity
Shares dropped this year amid concern Bank Indonesia has fallen behind its peers in raising interest rates to curb rising prices. Bank Indonesia raised the rate last month by a quarter percentage point after opting not to join counterparts from Malaysia to India in increasing borrowing costs in 2010. 

Inflation slowed to 6.84 percent in February from a year earlier, compared with 7.02 percent the previous month. Efforts to tame inflation have been sufficient and price increases will slow in the second half of the year, Deputy Governor Hartadi Sarwono said in a Feb. 24 interview. 

“Any correction in stocks caused by the market thinking that the central bank isn’t in favor of raising rates is an opportunity to enter,” Pasaribu said. “There will be pain in terms of inflation. On the other hand, the government will have the money for its pro-growth policies and that’s the good news that will come out in the future.” Source: Bloomberg

Indonesia cbank gov sees core inflation under 5 pct this yr

Indonesia's central bank governor Darmin Nasution said on Friday he saw core inflation at under 5 percent this year.

Bank Indonesia earlier on Friday decided to keep its benchmark overnight interest rate on hold at 6.75 percent, as forecast by a slender majority of economists, saying it was monitoring increasing core inflation.

Annual core inflation in February picked up to 4.36 percent.Source: Reuters

ndonesia stats chief sees March inflation same or less than Feb

The head of Indonesia's statistic agency (BPS) said on Friday that March inflation would likely be similar or less than that of February's 6.84 pct, and food prices were likely to decline further. Source: Reuters

S.Korea Honam says considering Indonesia petchem complex

South Korea's Honam Petrochemical said on Friday it was considering building a petrochemical complex in Indonesia, which the market estimates could cost up to 5 trillion won ($4.49 billion).

Asia's No.2 petrochemical maker reported to the stock market that it was considering building petrochemical plants in foreign countries including Indonesia under its mid- and long-term plans, although nothing had been finalised.

It currently has a combined production capacity of 2.5 million tonnes per year in South Korea and Malaysia where it had received takeover approval from shareholders of Malaysia's largest petrochemical maker Titan Chemicals TTNP.KL last December. Source: Reuters

Indonesia says Caterpillar to build new factory worth up to $1 bln

* Denies Indonesian statement that would build new factory
* Existing Indonesian facility employs 200

U.S equipment maker Caterpillar Inc plans to build a new manufacturing plant in Indonesia worth between $500 million to $1 billion of investment, said Gita Wirjawan, Indonesia's investment chief, on Friday.

Wirjawan told Reuters in an interview last year that Caterpillar might pick Indonesia as its Southeast Asian manufacturing base.

But Caterpillar Inc separately denied. Caterpillar said has no plans to build a new factory in Indonesia, a spokesman for the world's largest maker of heavy equipment said on Friday.
"We have not announced, neither to the Indonesian government nor otherwise, that we plan to build a new factory in Indonesia," Caterpillar spokesman Jim Dugan said.

Caterpillar has a factory in Indonesia that employs about 200 people making bulldozers and excavators. "Anywhere in the world where we have a presence there is always a possibility that we could increase our presence in that location, but beyond that there is nothing new to add," Dugan said. Source: Reuters and Reuters1

Timah’s Tin Production Disrupted in First Quarter, Reuters Says

PT Timah’s tin production was “affected” in the first quarter because bad weather disrupted shipping, Reuters said, citing an interview with Timah Chief Executive Officer Wachid Usman.

Most of Timah’s ships couldn’t operate, “affecting our first quarter production,” Wachid said, according to Reuters. Output is expected to pick up in the second and third quarters and then drop in the fourth again due to weather, Reuters said. Timah is Indonesia’s largest tin producer. Source: Reuters

Rekomendasi Beberapa Sekuritas, 7 Maret 2011

Berikut rekomendasi tiga sekuritas ternama untuk perdagangan Senin, 7 Maret 2011.
1. E-Trading Securities
Pada perdagangan Jumat (4/3), IHSG ditutup naik 48 poin (1,38%) ke level 3.542,9 menyusul sentimen positif dari bursa AS, turunnya harga minyak dunia, dan BI rate yang tetap di level 6,75%. Asing Jumat lalu melakukan net buying Rp 837 miliar dengan sektor yang paling banyak dimasuki adalah banking dan mining. Secara teknikal,  indikator RSI masih bergerak uptrend dan stochastic memasuki area overbought, sehingga indeks berpeluang menguat terbatas. Pada perdagangan Senin (7/3), indeks diperkirakan bergerak di kisaran 3.513–3.588. Cermati SMGR, BBRI, dan UNTR.

2. Sinarmas Sekuritas
Secara teknikal, indeks hari ini berpotensi menguat terbatas pada kisaran 3.510-3.575. Keputusan BI menahan BI rate di level 6,75% memberikan sentimen positif terutama pada sektor perbankan dan pertambangan. Selain itu, data tingkat pengganguran AS juga dapat memberikan sentimen positif terhadap indeks. Saham-saham yang dapat diperhatikan antara lain MYOR, AALI, INCO, dan UNTR

3. Sucorinvest Central Gani
IHSG  pada perdagangan Jumat lalu menguat 48,36 poin ke level 3.542,9 dipimpin oleh semua sektor, terutama komoditas, industri dasar, keuangan, properti. Ini sejalan dengan penguatan indeks bursa global, pemulihan ekonomi global, dan langkah BI mempertahankan BI rate, serta apresiasi rupiah terhadap dolar AS. Untuk hari ini, indeks diperkirakan menguat berfluktuasi dengan potensi profit taking pada kisaran 3.530-3.570.

Rekomendasi HD Capital, 7 Maret 2011

Berikut rekomendasi empat saham pilihan HD Capital untuk perdagangan Senin, 7 Maret 2011. Rekomendasi beli Alam Sutera Realty (ASRI), Astra International (ASII), Bank Mandiri (BMRI), dan Krakatau Steel (KRAS).

* Bila terjadi koreksi akibat imbas regional dan keadaan overbought (jenuh beli) rekomen akumulasi untuk antisipasi technical rebound.

* Kenaikan yang terjadi di atas moving average 50-hari (3.530) IHSG menandakan sudah breakout dari formasi konsolidasi segitiga (flag) dan siap masuk kembali dalam fase short-term up-trend.

* IHSG close (04-03) 3.542.903(+48.364/+1.38%) (Val.Rp.3.4T)

* Support: 3.530-3.500-3.350, Resistance: 3,580-3,630-3,750

Stock picks:

1. Alam Sutera (ASRI): (BUY) (target: Rp 270) (close 04/03 Rp 255)

* Optimisme pertumbuhan laba 30% untuk 2011 yang didorong oleh permintaan perumahan dan suku bunga kondusif (BI rate tetap) menjadi katalis untuk akumulasi emiten properti yang mulai memasuki fase pola perubahan tren sideways ke positif.

* Entry (1) Rp 250, Entry (2) Rp 240, Cut loss point: Rp 230

2. Astra International (ASII) (BUY): (Target: Rp.56.200) (Close 04/03 Rp.54.900)

* Penjualan mobil di bulan Januari yang naik 5% versus Desember merupakan awal bagus sehingga banyak analis optimistis menaikkan target pertumbuhan penjualan mobil 2011 dari 7 hingga 12%.

* Bila ada koreksi minor dari keadaan jeniuh beli pasca kenaikan berhari2 rekomen akumulasi.

* Entry (1) Rp 54.200, Entry (2) Rp 53.500, Cut loss point: Rp 52.750

3. Bank Mandiri (BMRI) (BUY): (Target: Rp 6.350) (Close 04/03 Rp 6.200)

* Dana besar (13T) pasca rights issue untuk ekspansi kredit dengan target di atas 18% setahun, valuasi PER 2011F di 12-13x serta keadaan technical menarik dalam pola pembentukan minor uptrend membuat BMRI perlu dilirik oleh pelaku pasar.

* Entry: (1) Rp 6.050, Entry (2) Rp 5.900, Cut loss point: Rp 5.700

4. Krakatau Steeel (KRAS) (BUY) (Target: Rp 1.080) (close 04/03 Rp 1.050)

* Kenaikan batubara di atas $130/ton (batubara digunakan dalam proeses produksi baja) membuat pelaku pasar berspekulasi kalau harga baja domestik akan dinaikan dalam jangka waktu dekat ini.

* Entry (1) Rp 1.040, Entry (2) Rp 1.020, Cut loss point: Rp 990

Dibuat oleh:
Yuganur Wijanarko
Senior Research HD Capital (