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Monday, February 28, 2011

Jasa Marga Siapkan Rp 1,2 Triliun untuk Tol Benoa Bali

PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk siap mengucurkan dana investasi sebesar Rp 1,26 triliun untuk pembangunan jalan tol dan jembatan Serangan-Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa, Bali. "Kami siapkan 70% dari total investasinya atau sekitar Rp1,26 triliun," kata Direktur Utama Jasa Marga Frans S Sunito di sela Lomba Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Jasa Marga, di Serpong, Banten, Senin (28/2).

Dana sebesar itu antara lain untuk pembangunan jembatan dan jalan tol sepanjang 11,5 km dan perkiraan investasi yang diperlukan mencapai Rp 1,8 triliun. Sisanya akan ditanggung oleh dua badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yaitu PT Angkasa Pura I dan PT Pelindo III serta satu badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) yaitu PT Bali Tourism Development Corporation.

Menurutnya, saat ini Jasa Marga masih menyiapkan hasil kesimpulan dari studi kelayakan yang telah dilakukan pihaknya sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu.  Frans menjanjikan, pada pekan depan, perusahaannya akan memberikan proposal laporan pembangunan jalan tol dan jembatan Tanjung Benoa kepada Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU).

"Minggu depan kita akan ajukan kepada pemerintah mengenai proposal laporan yang telah kami kumpulkan sebelumnya," katanya. 

Konsep usulan yang diajukan kepada pemerintah yaitu Jasa Marga yang menginvestasikan pembangunan infrastruktur dan yang mengoperasikan sebagai jalan tol, seperti layaknya jalan tol lainnya.

Mengenai segi lalu lintas harian rata-rata (LHR) kendaraan di jembatan Tanjung Benoa, dirinya yakin jalan tol tersebut akan mencapai trafik lalu lintas dengan perhitungan yang maksimal. "Dari segi trafik apakah Tanjung Benoa akan menguntungkan. Kita melihat itu tentu secara komprehensif, jangka panjangnya, tapi kalau jasa marga mau masuk pasti ada satu pertimbangan bisnisnya," jelas Frans.

Credit Suisse Lowered Semen Gresik Target Price to IDR 11,000

Ella Nusantoro, an analyst at Credit Suisse Group AG, lowered its share-price estimate to 11,000 rupiah from 11,300 rupiah after revising down earnings forecasts because of higher coal costs.

PGN Kekurangan Pasokan Gas

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mengaku kekurangan pasokan untuk memasok kebutuhan gas bagi kalangan industri akibat pengalihan pasokan untuk "lifting" minyak.  "Pemenuhan kebutuhan gas untuk industri merupakan prioritas keempat, setelah lifting minyak, pupuk, dan PLN," kata GM Strategic Business Unit (SBU) I PGN Hendy Kusnadi dalam temu ramah tamah dengan wartawan perindustrian di Anyer, Banten, Minggu (27/2).

Dia mengatakan, kontrak pasokan gas dari Conoco Philips sebesar 386 mmscfd (juta kaki kubik per hari) untuk tahun 2011, hanya bisa dipenuhi sebesar 295 mmscfd, karena ada pengalihan pasokan gas ke Chevron untuk lifting minyak.

"Artinya pasokan gas untuk PGN yang sudah legal tertulis dikontrak berkurang 91 mmscfd. Kalau sektor industri rata-rata kebutuhan gas hanya 0,25 mmscfd, berarti ada 364 industri yang bisa hidup atau ekspansi," ujar dia.

Hendi mengatakan sebenarnya sejak Maret 2010 pasokan gas untuk PGN terus menurun. Kondisi itu, lanjut dia, menyebabkan pihaknya memangkas pasokan gas ke pelanggan khususnya industri sebesar 20-25%.

"Itulah mengapa kalangan industri melalui asosiasi mengeluhkan berkurangnya pasokan. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, kami sudah bekerja sama dengan kalangan industri dan berkoordinasi kementerian perindustrian agar ada keberpihakan pasokan gas," jelas dia.

Ia mengatakan kendati kontribusi dan infrastruktur distribusi gas oleh PGN terus bertambah, namun alokasi gas untuk PGN terbatas. Bahkan PGN harus mengikuti tender untuk mendapatkan pasokan gas dari produsen gas seperti Pertamina dan produsen lainnya. PGN sendiri tidak masuk ke bisnis hulu, eksplorasi gas.

Hendi mengakui sebagian besar pasokan gas PGN untuk kalangan industri. "Secara volume, sekitar 98% penjualan gas PGN ke sektor industri, sisanya dua persen ke rumah tangga dan pelanggan kecil," kata dia.

Dari segmen industri itu, diakuinya pula, paling banyak gas PGN dipakai untuk pembangkit listrik (37%), industri kimia (14%), logam dasar (10%), dan keramik (9%), serta makanan (8%).

Agung Podomoro Bangun 13 Menara Apartemen di Pluit

Pengembang Agung Podomoro Land, melalui anak perusahaannya PT Kencana Unggul Sukses, akan membangun 13 menara (tower) apartemen dan mall di atas lahan seluas 12,5 hektar di Pluit, Jakarta Utara.

"Rencananya penyelesaian keseluruhan proyek ini pada 2014," kata CEO Greenbay Pluit Paul Christian, dalam siaran pers dalam rangka kegiatan Bakti Sosial dan donor darah di Jakarta, Sabtu (26/2).

Menurut Paul, Apartemen dan mall "Greenbay Pluit" ini akan dibangun dengan dengan berkonsep `Green` (hijau). Dia juga mengungkapkan bahwa "Greenbay Pluit" ini dikembangkan sebagai superblock di kawasan Emas Pluit, Jakarta Utara yang memperhatikan tentang lingkungan terutama dengan konsep Green Development.

Konsep ini diimplementasikan oleh Greenbay dengan menyediakan 60 persen dari 12,5 hektare untuk daerah hijau dengan ditanami berbagai macam tanaman dan pohon-pohon yang tinggi sehingga merasakan lingkungan yang hijau, sehat, asri, dan nyaman.

Sinar Mas Grup Bangun Dua Pabrik CPO

PT Sinar Mas Grup akan membangun dua unit pabrik pengolahan sawit menjadi Clude Palm Oil (CPO) kapasitas 50 ton per jam mulai Oktober 2011.  Pimpinan PT Sinar Mas Group VIII Wilayah Kalimantan Barat Susanto Yang di Semitau, Kalimantan Barat, Minggu (27/2), mengatakan, pembangunan pabrik CPO itu untuk antipasi panen perdana awal 2012.

"Untuk membangun dua pabrik CPO tersebut membutuhkan investasi sekitar Rp300 miliar dengan asumsi Rp 150 miliar untuk satu pabrik," ujar dia.

Menurut dia, PT Sinar Mas Grup sedikitnya akan membangun empat unit pabrik CPO. "Untuk tahap pertama kami akan membangun pabrik CPO di Kecamatan Badau dan Silat Hilir," kata Susanto.

Selain itu, kami juga akan membangun jalan dari Silat ke Badau sekitar 300 kilometer, karena CPO produksi Sinar Mas akan diekspor ke Malaysia.  "Dengan pertimbangan lebih murah dan satu-satunya perkebunan yang bisa langsung ekspor, pemerintah akan mendapatkan pendapatan asli daerah dari pajak ekspor," kata dia.

Berbeda kalau CPO dibawa ke Pontianak, selain membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi, juga tidak bisa melakukan ekspor langsung melainkan dikirim kembali ke Medan sehingga hanya daerah itu yang mendapat pajak ekspor.

Ada 11 anak perusahaan PT Sinar Mas Group, diantaranya di Kecamatan Semitau dan Suhaid, yakni PT Kartika Prima Cipta, Duta Nusa Lestari, dan Paramitra Internasional Pratama, di Kecamatan Badau, PT Benua Tunas Sejahtera, Sentra Karya Manunggal, Kapuasindo Palm Industri, Sawit Kencana Kapuas dan Citra Nusa Indonesia.

Kemudian di Kabupaten Sintang, yakni PT Dinamika Multi Prakarsa, Perkasa Mas Langgeng dan Persada Ghara Mandiri dengan perkiraan menyerap sekitar 12 ribu tenaga kerja.

Hingga saat ini rata-rata area lahan Sinar Mas Grup sebanyak 25% sudah masuk tahap tanam dari target 50% dari luas masing-masing 20 ribu hektare dari masing-masing izin anak perusahaan itu yang dimiliki.

PT Sinar Mas Group masuk ke Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu mulai tahun 2007, ditargetkan 2012 sudah panen perdana.

Bupati Kapuas Hulu AM Nasir menyambut positif langkah Sinar Mas Grup yang akan membangun pabrik CPO di kabupaten itu. "Dengan dibangunnya pabrik CPO dan melakukan ekspor langsung ke Malaysia, maka akan menambah PAD dari sektor pajak," ujar bupati.

Dengan dibangunnya pabrik maka akan lebih banyak menyerap tenaga kerja sehingga mengurangi jumlah peangguran dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu.

Terkait pembangunan sarana infrastruktur, pendidikan dan penyedian air bersih oleh pihak perkebunan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu menyambut baik.  "Karena kalau mengharapkan anggaran Pemkab, butuh waktu lama untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut," kata Nasir.

Target Price of Indo Tambangraya Cut to IDR 54,000 per share

Indo Tambangraya had its share-price estimate cut to 54,000 rupiah from 63,000 rupiah by Paworamon Suvarnatemee and Puchong Kometsopha, analysts at Credit Suisse AG, who cited the company’s lower-than-expected 2010 net income.

Rekomendasi HD Capital, 28 Februari 2011

Untuk Senin, 28 Februari 2011, HD Capital merekomendasikan opsi beli untuk saham Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM), Bukit Sentul (BKSL), Adaro Energy (ADRO), dan Astra International (ASII).

* Bangkitnya Dow Jones di jalur hijau seiring dengan ketegangan yang mereda dari konflik timur tengah dan minyak dapat memberikan sentimen positif ke IHSG untuk rally dari support kritis 3.430.

* Menjelang akhir Februari, pelaku pasar optimistis bahwa inflasi akan lebih rendah dari bulan Januari karena sebelumnya sudah ada penurunan sedikit dari inflasi Dec (0,90) ke Jan (0,80) sehingga potensi BI rate dinaikkan relatif kecil di bulan Maret.

* IHSG close (25-02) 3.443.50 (+4.40/+0.13%) (Val.Rp.2.85T)

* Support: 3.430-3.350-3.280, Resistance: 3.520-3.580-3.650

Stock picks:

1. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM): (BUY) (Target: Rp 7.700) (close 25/02 Rp 7.450)

* Valuasi PER 2011F 10x/PBV 2.5x dan EBITDA margin di atas 55% (tertinggi di sektornya dengan posisi kedua dipegang oleh Exelcomindo) membuat saham yang sudah lama terjebak dalam pola konsolidasi menarik untuk di akumulasi dengan skenario antisipasi breakout ke Rp 7.700.

* Secara technical sudah terbentuk pola akumulasi dengan bullish divergence salam berbulan-bulan.

* Entry: (1) Rp 7.450, Entry (2) Rp 7.350, Cut loss point: Rp 7.200

2. Bukit Sentul (BKSL) (BUY): (Target: Rp 115)(Close 25/02 Rp 105)

* Selain valuasi PBV termurah di sektor properti (0.50x), spekulasi pelaku pasar bahwa pemerintah DKI dan instansi lainnya di pemerintahan direncanakan pindah ke Jonggol untuk mengatasi kemacetan di DKI Jakarta yang tak kunjung mereda walaupun telah dibangun berbagai proyek jalan tambahan dan alternatif transportasi, dapat mendorong BKSL di atas level Rp 115.

* Entry: (1) Rp 104, Entry (2) 102, Cut loss point: Rp 99

3. ADRO Energy (ADRO) (BUY): (Target: Rp 2.550) (Close 24/02 Rp 2.475)

* Keberhasilan kembali ditutup di atas level Rp 2.400 (price gap lama) menandakan akan ada pergerakan untk mencoba mengetes down-trend-line lama di Rp 2.550 sehingga akan terjadi perubahan tren kearah positif untuk jangka pendek.

* Adjustment ke ASP (harga rata2 penjualan batubara) yang baru di awal 2011 dapat menaikkan proyeksi laba analis sehingga menurunkan valuasi PER/PBV 2011F yang masih tinggi (di atas 15x)

* Entry: (1) Rp 2.425, Entry: (2) Rp 2.350, Cut loss point: Rp 2.275

4. Astra International (ASII): (BUY) (Target: Rp 53.200) (Close 25/02 Rp 51.550)

* Beberapa katalis positif seperti naiknya profit di 2010 sebesar 43%, tren penjualan mobil yang masih akan ditopang oleh bunga tetap dan penundaan pembatasan subsidi BBM sampai waktu tidak jelas, dividen Rp 1130/saham telah menahan ASII di atas price gap Rp 51.400 sehingga dapat mendorongnya mengetes resistance di down-trend-line Rp 53.200.

* Entry: (1) Rp 51.500, Entry (2) Rp 51.300, Cut loss point: Rp 51.000

Dibuat oleh:
Yuganur Wijanarko
Senior Research HD Capital. (

Rekomendasi Beberapa Sekuritas, 28 Februari 2011

Berikut rekomendasi dari tiga sekuritas ternama untuk perdagangan Senin, 28 Februari 2011.
1. E-Trading Securities
Pada perdagangan Jumat lalu, IHSG bergerak mixed sebelum akhirnya ditutup menguat 4 poin (0,13%) ke level 3.443,53, menyusul berita naiknya rating utang Indonesia oleh Fitch. Asing tercatat melakukan net selling Rp 375 miliar di pasar regular. Secara teknikal, indeks pada akhir pekan lalu masih bergerak sideways, terlihat dari pergerakan bursa yang relatif tipis, meskipun aktif dalam hal volume transaksi. Sedangkan untuk Senin (28/2), indeks ditaksir akan bergerak di kisaran 3.416-3.500. Cermati PGAS, BUMI, dan MNCN.

2. Sucorinvest Central Gani
Indeks pada Jumat (25/2) meningkat dipacu kenaikan saham sektor tambang, properti, perdagangan, dan penurunan saham sektor industri dasar, barang konsumsi . Sebaliknya, indeks bursa global ambruk akibat merosotnya harga minyak mentah ke bawah US$ 100 per barel. Untuk hari ini, indeks diperkirakan mixed melemah pada kisaran 3.417-3.455. Buy BUMI, hold ADRO, TINS, dan sell BBCA, BDMN, PGAS, SMCB.

3. Kresna Sekurindo
Meskipun masih dalam tekanan, munculnya spinning top membuka peluang untuk terjadinya teknikal rebound indeks. Pengumuman data GDP dan consumer confidence Amerika Serikat diharapkan menjadi katalis positif di tengah menguatnya sentimen geopolitik. Hari ini, indeks diperkirakan bergerak di  kisaran 3.390-3.470, di mana level 3.423 masih menjadi level kunci pergerakan. MEDC dan BMRI menjadi saham pilihan untuk hari ini.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Laba Bersih INCO 2010 Melonjak 157%

PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (INCO) pada 2010 berhasil meraih laba bersih US$ 437,4 juta (US$ 0,044/saham), melonjak 156,7% dari perolehan tahun 2009 sebesar US4 170,4 juta (US$ 0,017/saham).

Perolehan laba bersih ini ditopang oleh penjualan nikel matte yang mencapai 77.035 metrik ton, 13,7% lebih tinggi dari 2009. Harga rata-rata realisasi juga lebih tinggi yakni US$ 16.568/metrik ton pada 2010 berbanding US$ 11,227/metrik ton pada 2009 atau terjadi kenaikan harga penjualan sebesar 47,6%.

EBITDA pada 2019 mencapai US$ 677,6 juta atau 107% lebih tinggi dari 2009.

Khusus kuartal IV 2010, INCO membukukan laba bersih US$ 108,9 juta (US$ 0,011/saham) tidak berbeda jauh dengan kondisi kuartal III 2010 sebesar US$ 109,7 juta.

Pendapatan dari hasil penjualan pada kuartal empat mencapai US$ 329,2 juta, sedikit meningkat dibandingkan kuartal sebelumnya yang sebesar US$ 327,9 juta. Pada kuartal IV, harga realisasi rata-rata untuk nikel matte lebih tinggi 13,8% dibandingkan kuartal sebelumnya, yakni US$ 18.011/metrik ton berbanding dengan US$ 15.822.

Namun, penjualan nikel matte INCO pada kuartal terakhir 2010 turun 11,8% menjadi 18.280 metrik ton dari sebelumnya 20.725. Penurunan penjualan disebabkan karena produksi terpangkas 10% akibat perbaikan atap tanur 4 guna meningkatkan masa pakainya dan relining sebagian pada reduction klik 3 dan 4.

Transaksi Tukar Guling Saham BUMI Dengan Vallar Plc Tuntas 28 Februari 2011

Transaksi tukar saham antara Bumi Resources dengan Vallar Plc yang dilakukan oleh Bakrie Brothers (BNBR) akan tuntas pada 28 Februari 2011.

Dalam skema tukar guling tersebut, Bakrie Brothers sepakat menukar 25% saham BUMI dengan 43% saham Vallar Plc. Jumlah saham BUMI yang ditukar setara dengan 5,2 miliar yang dihargai sebesar Rp 2.500.

Stock Split BTPN Disetujui

Aksi korporasi pemecahan nilai saham (stock split) PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) mendapat persetujuan pemegang saham. Dalam stock split ini, BTPN akan memecah sahamnya dengan rasio 1:5, sehingga nilai sahamnya berubah dari Rp 100 menjadi Rp 20.

Direktur Utama BTPN Jerry Ng mengatakan, jumlah saham yang ditempatkan dan disetor penuh akan bertambah dar semula sebesar 1.132.723.428 menjadi 5.663.617.140. "Berdasarkan data per 31 Januari 2011, dari 31 bank publik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, BTPN satu-satunya emiten bank yang harga sahamnya di atas Rp 10 ribu per saham," jelas dia.

Anak Usaha KIJA Jual Listrik ke PLN selama 20 Tahun

Anak usaha PT Jababeka Tbk (KIJA) yakni PT Bekasi Power telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli listrik dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) pada Kamis, 24 Februari 2011.

Dalam perjanjian itu, PLN akan membeli seluruh daya listrik yang dihasilkan Bekasi Power, yakni sebesar 1x125,8 megawatt selama 20 tahun.

Menurut Wakil Direktur Utama KIJA Budianto Liman, operasionalisasi pembangkit listrik tersebut secara komersial dijadwalkan pada kuartal IV 2011, sehingga bisa berkontribusi terhadap pendapatan KIJA sekitar US$ 85 juta dengan marjin EBITDA lebih dari 30%.

Yamaha Motor plans new motorcycle factory in Indonesia-paper

Japan's Yamaha Motor Co plans to build a new motorcycle factory near Jakarta for investment of 10 billion yen ($122.07 million) to meet growing demand, an Indonesian newspaper reported on Friday.

Yamaha, the second biggest motorcycle seller in Indonesia, sold 276,586 units in January, when total industry sales rose 32 percent from the previous year, according to industry data.

The new factory will produce 300,000 motorcycles a year with the aim of making the firm compete with Indonesia's biggest motorcycle distributor Honda Astra Motor, a subsidiary of Honda , Bisnis Indonesia quoted Dyonisius Betty, the head of Yamaha's local unit, as saying.

The firm is able to produce 3.6 million motorcycles a year from three existing factories, Betty said.

Foreign direct investment is growing into Indonesia as firms eye an expanding consumer market, relatively cheap labour and political stability in Southeast Asia's biggest economy.

Sales of cars and motorbikes have boomed.
The local unit of Japan's Daihatsu will invest 2.1 trillion rupiah ($237 million) to build a new factory producing low cost cars in Indonesia, the firm said this week. ($1 = 81.920 Yen) ($1 = 8870 Rupiah). Source: Reuters

ATR signs option for 15 aircraft to Indonesia's Lion Air - Lagarde

Aircraft maker ATR, jointly owned by EADS and Finmeccanica , has signed a deal to supply 15 planes to Indonesian budget carrier Lion Air, France's economy minister Christine Lagarde said on Friday.

A Lion Air spokesman said the 15 ATR-72500 planes were an optional part of a $650 million deal in 2009 to supply up to 30 planes, and would be delivered in 2012-2013. The first 15 planes would be fully delivered this year, the spokesman said.

Lagarde, in Jakarta meeting government officials, said at a press conference that French companies want to increase investment and trade with Southeast Asia's biggest economy. French firms investing in Indonesia include oil major Total , retailer Carrefour and miner Eramet.

ATR, a turbo-prop manufacturer, has predicted a step up in revenues and deliveries from 2012 after reporting the first signs of recovery in aviation markets last year.

Manufacturers say that turbo-props are more efficient than jets when carrying some 50-70 passengers over short distances, especially when fuel prices are high. Oil prices have surged following turmoil in the Middle East.

Lion Air is Indonesia's biggest airline by passenger volume and has ambitious expansion plans, in a country seeing strong demand for domestic flights around the archipelago. The ATR airplanes will be used by Lion Air unit Wings Air, to serve short routes. Source: Reuters

Indonesia cbank gov sees Feb y/y inflation at below 7 pct

Indonesia's central bank governor Darmin Nasution said on Friday he saw February annual inflation at below 7 percent.
Indonesia reports February inflation data on March 1.Source: Reuters

Indonesia cbank dep gov sees Feb m/m inflation below 0.5 pct

Indonesia's central bank deputy governor Hartadi A. Sarwono said on Friday he saw month-on-month February inflation at below 0.5 percent.

Central bank governor Darmin Nasution said earlier on Friday he saw February annual inflation at below 7 percent.

Indonesia reports February inflation data on March 1 and the central bank will meet to discuss its policy rate on March 4. January inflation was 7.02 percent year-on-year, a 21-month high, and 0.89 percent month-on-month. Source: Reuters

Indonesia finmin: wants cbank to keep core inflation under 4.2 pct

Indonesia's finance minister Agus Martowardojo said on Friday the government wants the central bank to keep annual core inflation under 4.2 percent.

January annual core inflation was 4.18 percent.Source: Reuters

KDB ends talks on Bank Panin deal

South Korea's Korea Development Bank (KDB) said it failed to clinch a deal to buy a stake in Indonesia's Bank Panin from its top shareholder, in a move marking a setback for the Korean bank's plans to expand into Southeast Asia.

The South Korean state-run bank was in negotiations to purchase a stake in a Southeast Asian bank for around $1 billion as part of stepping up its effort to expand overseas in the face of weak growth prospects at home.

"The fact is that deal is dropped due to differences on conditions" a KDB spokesman said on Thursday.

KDB was in final talks with Panin Financial to acquire a part of its 45 percent stake in the seven-largest Indonesian bank in a bid to control the bank in the future, a source close to the deal said.

The potential deal was KDB's latest effort to pursue acquisitions abroad after the bank pulled out of bidding for an estimated $900 million stake in Thailand's Siam City Bank early last year. Source: Reuters

Rekomendasi HD Capital, 25 Februari 2011

HD Capital merekomendasikan beli terhadap saham Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF), Bumi Resources (BUMI), Astra International (ASII), dan Bank Mandiri (BMRI).

* Penundaan pembatasan subsidi BBM dari Maret hingga waktu yang belum jelas dari pemerintah akibat minyak di atas $100/barel positif untuk sector consumer dan perbankan karena mengurangi risiko kenaikan bunga akibat inflasi tinggi.

* Secara historis dari 2004 biasanya pemerintah mulai menaikan bahan bakar premium subisidi bila harga non-subsidi (pertamax) sudah di atas dua kali lipat (contoh: Premium Rp 4.500, Pertamax Rp 9.500)

* IHSG close (24-02) 3.433.972(+37.769/-0.79%) (Val.Rp.2.9T)

* Support: 3.430-3.350-3.250, Resistance: 3,520-3,560-3,650

Stock picks:

1. Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF): (BUY) (target: Rp 4.950) (close 24/02 Rp 4.800)

* Koreksi sehat akibat keadaan overbought di stochastic harian ke moving average 50-hari (Rp 4.725) dapat digunakan sebagai kesempatan akumulasi dalam pola perbaikan tren jangka pendek-menengah ini.

* Rencana IPO Salim-Ivomas juga memberikan sentiment positif

* Entry (1) Rp 4.725, Entry (2) Rp 4.625, Cut loss point: Rp 4.550

2. Bumi Resources (BUMI) (BUY): (Target: Rp 2.950) (Close 24/02 Rp 2.800)

* Kenaikan harga minyak di atas $100/b akan berpengaruh ke harga batubara yang diperkirakan juga akan menembus $140/ton tahun ini.

* BUMI diutungkan dari kenaikan batubara karena lebih dari 70% kontrak penjualan ditujukan untuk pangsa ekspor

* Entry (1) Rp 2.775, Entry (2) Rp 2.725, Cut loss point: Rp 2.625

3. Astra International (ASII) (BUY): (Target: Rp 53.200) (Close 24/01 Rp 51.300)

* Dengan ditundanya pembatasan subisidi bulan Maret memberikan angin segar bagi penjualan mobil yang di bulan Januari mengalami kenaikan 10% versus bulan Desember dan 40% versus bulan sama periode sebelumnya, dimana bulan Januari biasanya identik dengan waktu dimana penjualan mobil menurun.

* Saham ini ditahan cukup serius di level psikologis Rp 51.000, sehingga bila ada kelanjutan rebound di atas Rp 51.400 (gap yang tertutup) maka rally akan berlanjut ke down-trend-line baru di Rp 53.200.

* Entry: (1) Rp 51.000, Entry (2) Rp 49.900, Cut loss point: Rp 49.600

4. Bank Mandiri (BMRI) (BUY) (Target: Rp 7.750) (close 24/01 Rp 5.600)

* Koreksi yang cukup dalam kemarin membuat emitten perbankan dengan valuasi PER 2011F 12x in menarik apalagi outlook suku bunga tidak akan naik untuk jangka waktu dekat karena pemerintah menunda pembatasan subsidi BBM (yang sebelumnya ditakutkan akan menaikan inflasi lagi sebesar 1%)

* Penguatan rupiah juga positif buat loan corporate dalam US$

* Entry (1) Rp 5.600, Entry (2) Rp 5.450, Cut loss point: Rp 5.350

Dibuat oleh:
Yuganur Wijanarko
Senior Research HD Capital (

Rekomendasi Beberapa Sekuritas, 25 Februari 2011

Berikut rekomendasi dari tiga sekuritas ternama untuk perdagangan Jumat, 25 Februari 2011.
1. E-Trading Securities
Pada perdagangan kemarin, IHSG ditutup turun 34 poin (-1,01%) ke level 3.439 karena naiknya harga minyak yang tembus US$ 100 per barel. Indeks masih belum dapat menghijau kendati laporan keuangan beberapa emiten sudah dirilis.

Asing melakukan net selling Rp 190 miliar dengan sektor yang paling banyak keluar adalah perbankan dan telekomunikasi. Di sisi lain, indeks secara teknikal terlihat sudah menembus garis middle bond-nya dan berpotensi terus melemah. Sedangkan untuk hari ini, indeks diperkirakan akan bergerak di kisaran 3,372 - 3,514. Cermati UNSP, ITMG dan BBRI.

2. Kresna Sekurindo
Tekanan jual saham perbankan mengakibatkan indeks kembali menguji support  FR 23,6% di level 3.422. Indeks hari ini diperkirakan masih dalam tekanan dengan bergerak di kisaran 3.390-3.460 dengan TINS dan INDF sebagai saham pilihan.

3. Sucorinvest Central Gani
Hampir seluruh sektor melemah kemarin, terutama perkebunan, industri dasar, keuangan  di tengah-tengah penurunan indeks bursa global, kenaikan harga minyak mentah di atas USD100/barel. Ini seiring aksi pemberontakan di Libya, ketakutan pemulihan ekonomi global terganggu dan percepatan inflasi dunia. Hari ini indeks diperkirakan kembali melemah pada kisaran 3.417-3.455.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

United Tractors 2010 net profit up 1.3 pct, misses forecast

PT United Tractors , Indonesia's biggest heavy equipment provider, said on Thursday it posted a 1.3 percent rise in 2010 net profit on higher revenues.

The firm, Indonesia's largest mining contractor, posted a 3.87 trillion rupiah net profit in 2010, versus 3.82 trillion rupiah a year earlier.

It was expected to post a full-year 2010 net profit of 3.97 trillion rupiah, according to a consensus of 18 analysts by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. Source: Reuters

Indonesia eyes fuel subsidy cut delay, to let rupiah rise

Indonesia said on Thursday it is considering delaying a plan to limit the use of cheap subsidised fuels to next year as it seeks to avoid surging oil prices adding to inflation, despite a potential cost of over $600 million to the state budget. 

Chief economics minister Hatta Rajasa said the government has no plans to hike subsidised fuel prices, a move that would boost inflation and likely to lead to protests. Vietnam on Thursday hiked gasoline and diesel prices by up to 24 percent. 

Instead, Indonesia's central bank will let the rupiah currency strengthen to curb imported inflation, deputy governor Hartadi A. Sarwono said, as it is concerned about high oil prices following turmoil in the Middle East. 

Indonesia's government had aimed to stop private cars in the capital Jakarta from using cheap subsidised fuel from end-March, before rolling the pan out across the country, but may delay the start, said Rajasa. 

"The financial consequences would be to add 3-6 trillion rupiah of additional subsidies for one year," said finance minister Agus Martowardojo.

The comments come as London oil prices surged over $6 to $117 a barrel, and ahead of Indonesia's February's inflation data next Tuesday. 

Some analysts see higher-than-expected inflation leading Bank Indonesia to hike rates by another 25 basis points when meeting on March 4 in an effort to stem price pressures, after January inflation reached a 21-month-high of 7 percent. 

"We are concerned over imported inflation both from oil and food prices. We keep monitoring rising oil prices," Bank Indonesia's Sarwono told reporters. 

Sarwono said Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves had reached a record $97 billion, a level nearly double two years ago and that gives the central bank more ammunition to intervene in the currency market. 

Bank Indonesia hiked rates by 150 basis points in 2008 to counter growing inflation after the government was forced to hike subsidised fuel prices by almost 30 percent on average because of record oil prices. 

Indonesia is the country in Southeast Asia that is the most exposed to a sharp rise in oil prices and policymakers will face a dilemma as tightening rates may slow growth, CIMB said in a report on Thursday. 

"Some central banks are willing to tolerate a stronger currency as part of their efforts to bring inflation under control," said CIMB's Lee Heng Guie. 

The rupiah has gained 1.5 percent this year, adding to near 5 percent gains last year.
The former OPEC oil producer is forced to import gasoline and diesel from the regional market since its ageing refineries do not produce enough fuel, but still maintains subsidised fuel. 

Analysts say the government needs to use the money spent on subsidies to instead improve infrastructure, which would help draw further foreign direct investment and improve the chances of getting a coveted investment grade sovereign rating. 

However, protests over price hikes were seen as a major factor in the ousting of Indonesia's autocratic President Suharto in 1998 and would hit the current administration's popularity. Source: Reuters

Astra Q4 net jumps 36 pct on record car sales

* Q4 net 4.01 trln rph vs 2.94 trln in 2009-Reuters calculation
* Astra 2010 FY net profit up 43 pct, beats forecasts
* Record vehicle sales, higher commodity prices lift profits

PT Astra International ,  Indonesia's main vehicle distributor and biggest listed company, on Thursday said 2010 fourth-quarter net profit jumped 36 percent, driven by surging auto sales and higher commodities prices. 

Profit growth may slow in 2011 because of forecasts for a slowdown in booming car sales in Southeast Asia's biggest economy, as the market matures and motorists face surging oil prices and higher interest rates. 

Astra's fourth-quarter net profit rose to a record 4.01 trillion rupiah, from 2.94 trillion rupiah in the same period a year ago, Reuters calculations based on published nine-month and full-year figures showed. 

Huge demand for cars as interest rates stayed at a record low last year pushed sales in 2010 to a record 764,088 units, up 57 percent from 2009 and above forecasts of 720,000 units, according to Indonesia's automotive association. 

Astra, which is controlled by Singapore's Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd , reported 2010 net profit of 14.37 trillion rupiah. That compared with a net profit of 10.04 trillion rupiah a year earlier. 

Analysts had forecast full year 2010 net profit up 33 percent to 13.38 trillion rupiah, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Astra's 2010 full-year revenue rose 32 percent to 130 trillion rupiah. 

Indonesia's economy beat expectations in the fourth quarter to grow 6.9 percent from a year ago, the fastest pace in six years, though investors took profits in January from last year's 46 percent rally in the benchmark stock index on worries over building inflation and high valuations. 

Astra shares closed down 0.96 percent on Thursday ahead of the result, and have slipped 6 percent so far this year. Astra shares jumped 57 percent in 2010, outperforming the broader market rally, as investors bet on consumer stocks. Source: Reuters

Indonesia cbank eyes investment grade after Fitch positive outlook

 Indonesia's central bank said on Thursday Fitch decided to upgrade the country's sovereign rating outlook to positive from stable, reflecting a higher probability to reach an investment grade rating.

"According to Fitch analysts, a positive outlook reflects higher probability for Indonesia's sovereign rating to get an upgrade within 12-18 months," spokesman Difi A. Johansyah said in a statement to reporters, just minutes before the rating agency moved to a positive outlook for Indonesia. Source: Reuters

Indonesia motorcycle sales up 32.2 pct in Jan y/y

ndonesia's domestic motorcycle sales, an indicator of consumer demand in Southeast Asia's biggest economy, rose 32.2 percent to 664,983 units in January compared to last year, industry data showed on Wednesday.

Domestic motorcycle sales volumes were led by Honda , Yamaha and Suzuki , according to data from Indonesia's Motorcycle Industry (AISI).

Total sales volume in 2010 was about 7.4 million units, with 513,343 units sold in December, the association said. Source: Reuters

Indo Tambangraya 2010 net profit plunges 39 pct

PT Indo Tambangraya Megah , Indonesia's no.3 coal miner, said on Wednesday that its 2010 net profit down more than 39 percent on higher finance costs and loss on derivative transactions.

The firm, a unit of Thai's Banpu , posted a $204.15 million net profit in 2010, versus $335.55 million a year earlier. The company's net revenue climbed 10 percent to $1.67 billion.

It missed a consensus of 15 analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S to post a full-year 2010 net profit of $284.8 million. Source: Reuters

Laba Semen Gresik Diproyeksikan Tumbuh 15%

Perolehan laba bersih PT Semen Gresik Tbk 2011 diproyeksikan tumbuh sekitar 15% dibanding tahun sebelumnya.  Direktur Utama PT Semen Gresik Tbk (SMGR) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan hingga kini pencapaian laba bersih perseroan 2010 masih dalam proses audit, namun diperkirakan nilainya mencapai Rp 3,3-3,4 triliun.

"Angka pasti pencapaian laba tahun 2010 masih diaudit, tapi kami perkirakan bisa tembus Rp 3,4 triliun. Sementara total revenue sekitar Rp 14 triliun atau hampir sama 2009," katanya usai penyerahan penghargaan "Semen Gresik Group Award on Inovation 2010" (SGG-IA).

Dwi Soetjipto mengakui produksi SG Group selama tahun 2010 mengalami sedikit penurunan, menyusul terjadinya sejumlah kendala, salah satunya terganggunya mesin produksi pabrik Semen Padang akibat gempa pada 2009.

"Meskipun produksi menurun dan pendapatan `flat`, tapi laba bersih masih bisa tumbuh sekitar 8%. Semua itu tidak lepas dari upaya efisiensi yang terus kami lakukan," ujarnya.

Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan upaya untuk mencapai pertumbuhan laba pada 2011 akan ditopang dengan meningkatkan produksi semen dari 18,4 juta menjadi di atas 20 juta ton.
Selain itu, program efisiensi akan terus didorong guna mengantisipasi meningkatnya biaya operasional, akibat naiknya harga bahan bakar minyak, batu bara dan tarif listrik.
"Efisiensi bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai inovasi, baik dari sisi manajemen, peralatan produksi, penggunaan bahan bakar maupun lainnya," ujarnya.

Rekomendasi HD Capital, 24 Februari 2011

Berikut rekomendasi dari HD Capital untuk perdagangan Kamis, 24 Februari 2011. HD Capital merekomendasikan opsi beli terhadap saham Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGAS), Bukit Sentul (BKSL), Astra International (ASII), dan Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM).

  • Kenaikan minyak yang melebihi koreksi Dow Jones memberikan sentimen positif ke sektor komoditas sehingga membuat IHSG tertahan di support 3.430
  • Diperkirakan IHSG dapat meneruskan kenaikan di atas 3.500 ditopang oleh keadaan regional yang lebih kondusif.
  • IHSG close (23-02) 3.479.972(+27.769/+0.79%) (Val.Rp.2.9T)
  • Support: 3.430-3.350-3.250, Resistance: 3,520-3,560-3,650
Stock picks:
1.      Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGAS): (BUY) (target: Rp 3.900) (close 23/02 Rp 3.750)
  • Penutupan kembali di atas level psikologis Rp 3.725 menutup potensi penurunan lebih lanjut dibawa level Rp 3.600 sehingga dapat diartikan bahwa terjadi upward retracement dari koreksi selama 4 hari ke resistance pertama di 10 days moving average Rp 3.875 dan downtrendline pertama di Rp 3.950.
  • Entry (1) Rp 3.725, Entry (2) Rp 3.625, Cut loss point: Rp 3.550
2.   Bukit Sentul (BKSL) (BUY): (Target: Rp 115) (Close 23/02 Rp 101)
  • Secara technical sudah terbentuk oversold bullish divergence condition sejak 2 bulan lalu.
  • Bila dicermati secara siklus tahunan sejak 2009, saham BKSL biasanya memulai rally dari level Rp 100 sepanjang bulan Februari-Mei (Rp 130-Rp 165) hingga terkoreksi kembali di Dec-Jan ke level awal (Rp 100), ini membuka kesempatan untuk berspekulasi bahwa siklus tahunan akan terbuka lagi di 2011.
  • Valuasi PBV 20111 (0.45x) masih di bawah ELTY (0.75x) yang bermain di kelas serupa.
  • Entry (1) Rp 100, Entry (2) Rp 95, Cut loss point: Rp 90
3.   Astra International (ASII) (BUY): (Target: Rp 53.500) (Close 22/01 Rp 52.800)
  • Bertahannya ASII di atas support price gap Rp 51.400 selama dua hari menandakan bahwa kemungkinan untuk penurunan lebih lanjut di bawah Rp 50.000 relatif kecil dan lebih cenderung terlihat skenario untuk terjadi kenaikan menembus high 3 hari terakhir di Rp 53.100.
  • Entry: (1) Rp 51.600, Entry (2) Rp 51.300, Cut loss point: Rp 50.600
4.  Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM) (BUY) (Target: Rp 7.750) (close 23/01 Rp 7.500)
  • Valuasi yang menarik (PER 2011F 11x) dengan margin keuntungan diproyeksikan di atas 50%, serta pola technical higher low yang terlihat di harga dan stochastic 5-hari menandakan kemungkinan TLKM dapat mencoba untuk rally kembali diatas resistance 50-days moving average di Rp 7.700
  • Entry (1) Rp 7.500, Entry (2) Rp 7.400, Cut loss point: Rp 7.250
Dibuat oleh: 
Yuganur Wijanarko
Senior Research HD Capital (

Rekomendasi Beberapa Sekuritas, 24 Februari 2011

Berikut rekomendasi dari empat sekuritas ternama untuk perdagangan Kamis, 24 Februari 2011.
1. E-Trading Securities
Pada perdagangan kemarin, indeks harga saham gabungan naik 23 poin (0,66%) ke level 3.474, tertinggi di bursa Asia, di tengah aksi jual asing. Penguatan bursa hari ini ditopang oleh sektor pertambangan, khususnya emiten berbasis batubara, seiring kenaikan harga minyak dunia. Net selling asing kemarin mencapai Rp 207 miliar. Secara teknikal, indeks terlihat melakukan teknikal rebound setelah sempat menyentuh level resistance-nya di 3.450.
          Untuk hari ini, fase sideways masih berlangsung, sehingga indeks diperkirakan bergerak di kisaran 3.388-3.526. Cermati BBCA, ADRO, dan PTBA.

2. Sinarmas Sekuritas
Pada perdagangan hari ini, indeks diperkirakan bergerak mixed dengan kecenderungan melemah pada kisaran 3.441-3.500. Pergerakan indeks cenderung dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan bursa global. Melemahnya harga komoditas terutama CPO dan logam dapat memberikan sentimen negatif terhadap indeks. Saham-saham yang dapat diperhatikan antara lain UNVR dan PTBA.

3. Erdhika Sekuritas  
Seluruh sektor menguat kemarin kecuali sektor perkebunan dan infrastruktur yang melemah masing-masing -0,8% dan -0,17%. Hari ini indeks diperkirakan akan bergerak pada kisaran 3.444-3,469 dengan  saham rekomendasi PTBA, ITMG, dan ADHI.

4. Kresna Sekurindo
IHSG mencoba menguat di tengah minimnya katalis global meskipun tekanan jual masih menahan pergerakannya. Hari ini indeks berpeluang berkonsolidasi di kisaran  3.410-3.510 dengan PGAS dan MEDC sebagai saham pilihan.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lotte says mulling $5 bln Indonesia petchem investment

- South Korea's Lotte Group is considering investing as much as $5 billion to build a petrochemical plant in Indonesia, a Lotte Group official said on Wednesday, confirming an earlier Reuters report.

"The group is mulling investing $3 billion to $5 billion to construct a petrochemical plant on Indonesia's Java island," said Park Sang-sub, the group spokesman, without providing further details.

Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin is currently in Indonesia and has met with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Park said.

Lotte currently owns two petrochemical production facilities in Indonesia through Titan Chemicals TTNP.KL, a Malaysian chemical maker that Lotte acquired last year via unit Honam Petrochemical (011170.KS).

The group also operates discount retail chain Lotte Mart in Indonesia after purchasing Dutch wholesaler Makro in October, 2008.

Lotte has in recent years made aggressive overseas acquisitions as it eyes expansion in fast-growing emerging markets like Indonesia, Vietnam and China. Source: Reuters

Bakrie's Palm oil output to jump nearly 25 pct in 2011

Palm oil output at Bakrie Sumatera will jump by nearly 25 percent this year, while its plantation estates will expand by an additional 5,000 hectares, the company said on Tuesday. The strong production rise is due to some plantations coming into peak yield, Ambono Janurianto, president director at the planter, has told Reuters, while acreage will increase from the company's own landbank. 

"The ramp up production is going to be quite strong because of the low and immature plantation -- we have a high concentration of immature plantations," said Janurianto. Bakrie Sumatera, the agricultural unit of the politically connected Bakrie Group, produced 220,000/230,000 tonnes of palm oil last year, and sees 280,000 tonnes in 2011.

The firm had about 134,000 hectares of plantations in 2010 this year -- mainly in Sumatra -- versus 119,000 hectares in 2009. About 80 percent is planted with palm oil and the rest with natural rubber. In "2011, we are only going to be planting - - it is not going to be an aggressive one (expansion)," he said. "We are only going to greenfield plantings," he said, referring to a practice of a company only clearing and using its own landbank.

The majority of Bakrie Sumatera's estates are located in the island of Sumatra. Since early 2007, the company has expanded into Central Kalimantan and is currently developing greenfield estates there.

Late last year Bakrie Sumatera bought control of the distressed assets of Domba Mas Group. Dobma Mas specialises in oleochemical and palm oil products and mainly operates in North Sumatera province, with its most prized asset a plant in Kuala Tanjung.

Oleochemicals are derived from biological oils or fats and are largely used to produce bio-diesel and cosmetics. "We are going to concentrate and put all our resources into Dobma Mas," he said. "The first plant (will be running) in April."

Janurianto, who was previously the chief financial officer of the company, said there were no acquisitions planned this year. Jakarta-listed Bakrie Sumatera is one of Indonesia's oldest plantations companies, with a history dating back to 1911.


Global palm oil production stood at about 45 million tonnes in 2010, with India buying about 8 million tonnes, China 7 million, and Europe 6 million. Bakrie Sumatera sells most of its palm oil to traders for markets in China and India. The benchmark May crude palm oil contract on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange hit a near three-year high at 3,967 ringgit ($1,307) this month, on worries that output would fail to keep pace with robust demand.

"It will stay quite high," he said. "(But) It is not going to be at 4,000 (ringgit)" Janurianto sees firm palm oil prices this year, within an average range between 3,500-3,800 ringgit. One area of concern however, is Indonesia's export tax for crude palm oil (CPO), which rose to 25 percent in February from 20 percent in January, as it seeks to ensure that domestic requirements are met.

"Every month there is change in the tax rate," he added. "What if I do a sale last month, delivery this month, eventually I have to come up with an additional 5 percent. Source: Commodities Now

Indonesia’s Bank Danamon Stirs Takeover Interest, FT Reports

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, which had net income of $320 million last year, is the object of takeover interest at several foreign companies, including Bank of China Ltd., Standard Chartered Plc and Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd., the Financial Times reported, citing an unidentified person close to Danamon and unidentified bankers.Source: Bloomberg

World economy can survive oil price surge: IMF

The world economy can withstand the surge in oil prices sparked by unrest in the Middle East and North Africa so long as the increase proves short-lived, said the International Monetary Fund's number official, echoing Deutsche Bank AG and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Futures for April delivery climbed to within $US2 of $US100 a barrel in New York today, and London-traded Brent rose to $US108.57, close to the highest since September 2008, as escalating violence in Libya stoked concern supplies from the region will be disrupted. Oil in New York has gained almost 6 per cent since January 24, the day before the first anti-government protests erupted in Egypt.

"It's unlikely it would make a substantial change in the global economic outlook," John Lipsky, the IMF's first deputy managing director, told Bloomberg Television's "Inside Track" today. The Washington-based lender assumed oil would average about $US95 a barrel this year when it forecast global economic growth of 4.4 per cent for 2011, he said.

Political unrest that has swept from Tunisia to Yemen, Algeria, Bahrain and Iran in the past four weeks is fanning oil's advance at a time when the global economy is emerging from the deepest recession in more than 50 years. US consumer confidence rose to its highest level in three years this month, according to a report today. Data showed yesterday that German business confidence increased to a record in February.

While an extended $US10 advance in oil cuts 0.5 percentage point off US growth over two years, the world's biggest economy will expand 3.8 per cent this year, almost a percentage point more than in 2010, according to Deutsche Bank.

'Relatively strong'
"Economies are vulnerable to the oil price, but so far it's looking like business and consumer confidence are relatively strong," said Michael Lewis, London-based head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank, which predicts world growth will surpass 4 percent for the second successive year.

At least 250 people died in the Libyan capital Tripoli overnight as protests against Muammar Gaddafi's leadership spread, al-Jazeera reported. Libya accounted for 4.6 per cent of the 29.4 million barrels of oil pumped daily by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in January, making it OPEC's ninth-biggest producer, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Brent may trade between $US105 and $US110 a barrel in coming weeks if the unrest continues, and reach a record should the violence spread to larger Middle East producers, such as Saudi Arabia, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said in a report today. Global expansion would be hurt if there were a sustained surge in oil to about $US120 a barrel, according to Deutsche Bank and BofA Merrill Lynch.

Gasoline, heating oil
Gasoline and heating oil rose to the highest levels in more than 28 months today, rising more than 5 per cent before paring gains. Gasoline for March delivery added 7.36 US cents, or 2.9 per cent, to $US2.6249 a gallon on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices touched $US2.681, the highest level since September 25, 2008. Heating oil for March delivery rose 9.87 US cents, or 3.6 per cent, to $US2.8116 a gallon after touching $US2.8589, the highest level since October 2, 2008.

The risk of costlier crude is that it may deprive consumers of purchasing power, hurt corporate profits and force central banks to raise borrowing costs to curb price increases. Inflation in China, the world's biggest energy consumer and fastest growing major economy, was 4.9 per cent in January, above the government's target.

'Serious threat'
"The global recovery now faces a serious threat from a sustained oil-price spike," said David Hufton, London-based managing director at PVM Oil Associates.

About $US10 of the recent increase in the oil price relates to tension in the Middle East and Africa, with the remainder a reflection of the strengthening global economy, said Julian Jessop, chief international economist at Capital Economics in London.

"The old rule of thumb was that a $US10 increase reduces global growth by half a per cent, but if that still held then the world would now be in a deep recession," said Jessop, a former UK Treasury official. "The point is oil prices are high, but the global economy is in a much better position to cope so it's not too big a problem."

US government data also show the economy imported less than half of 1 per cent of its oil imports from Libya in the past two years.

"The good thing is we're seeing generally positive economic conditions and the higher oil prices we're seeing don't seem to be having an impact on the economic climate," Willie Walsh, chief executive officer of International Consolidated Airlines Group SA, said in an interview today at an aircraft finance conference in Geneva sponsored by ICBI. "Most airlines are hedged."

Deutsche Lufthansa AG's hedging contracts for this year mean the airline is saving money when the price of crude oil rises to more than $US88, Stefanie Stotz, a Frankfurt-based spokeswoman for the company, said today.

The world recovery would be jeopardised if oil climbed to average $US115 a barrel this year and $US130 next year, according to analysts at BoA Merrill Lynch. That would return the world's energy bill as a share of the economy to the 9 per cent level of the 1980s, when costlier crude tipped consuming nations into a recession, they said in a January 25 report.

Still, that's unlikely because energy demand is set to ease by almost half this year to an average of 1.5 million barrels per day, inventory levels are near a five-year high, OPEC nations have more spare productive capacity than in 2008 and more Iraqi crude is on the way, according to the report.

At risk
Not all economies are safe, say the BofA Merrill Lynch strategists. Turkey, so-called peripheral European economies, India, South Korea and Indonesia could start to suffer if oil averaged $US110 to $US120 a barrel this year, while a range higher than that would start to pinch Germany, Japan and China.

"We're hoping capacity will be brought to bear so it will continue to support our economic recovery," Deputy US Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman told Bloomberg Television.

Mohammad Ali Khatibi, Iran's governor to OPEC, said the organisation is supplying more oil than the world market needs, and it has no plans to call an emergency meeting.
"There are some temporary supply issues, but stocks are high and there is no permanent shortage in supply," he said. Source: Bloomberg

Indonesia's Salim Ivomas aims to raise $300 mln in June IPO

Salim Group, one of Indonesia's wealthiest conglomerates, aims to raise up to $300 million by selling a 30 percent stake in cooking oil producer PT Salim Ivomas Pratama in a June public offering, sources with direct knowledge of the deal said on Tuesday.

The latest move to tap Indonesia's capital market comes as crude palm oil prices hit a near three-year high this month and after Salim Group's IPO for noodle maker PT Indofood CBP that raised $700 million in October.

"The group, along with its advisors, are currently working on details and the structure of the IPO," said one of four sources with direct knowledge of the deal, adding that the group has picked Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank as the global coordinators for the IPO.

The sources declined to be identified as details have not been made public.

PT Mandiri Sekuritas and PT Kim Eng Securities will be the local underwriters. All four underwriters declined to comment.

"Ivomas IPO could see some demand as long the price and valuation is right," said Harry Su, head of research at PT Bahana Securities in Jakarta.

"The plantation sector, mainly palm oil, still remains attractive," he said, adding "we expect some downturn in CPO prices in the second-half, so actually, the sooner the better (for the IPO) although market sentiment is not that good in the first half."

The rise in global food prices to record highs this year is giving many Indonesian producers, including Salim Ivomas, the opportunity for greater margins and profits.Source: Reuters

Rekomendasi Beberapa Sekuritas, 23 Februari 2011

Berikut rekomendasi dari tiga sekuritas ternama untuk perdagangan Rabu, 23 Februari 2011.
1. e-Trading Securites
Pada perdagangan kemarin, IHSG ditutup turun 46 poin (-1,33%) ke level 3.451,10 dipimpin oleh ASII dan ITMG. Namun, asing justru melakukan net buying Rp 121 miliar dengan sektor yang paling banyak dimasuki adalah otomotif dan perbankan. Indeks kemarin kembali mendapat tekanan jual dengan volume yang lebih rendah dari hari sebelumnya. Alhasil, indeks berpotensi kembali melanjutkan fase sideways-nya selama beberapa hari ke depan. Untuk hari ini, indeks diperkirakan bergerak di kisaran 3.353-3.548. Cermati BMRI, BDMN, dan INCO.

2. Kresna Sekurindo
Meningkatnya harga minyak mentah terkait ketegangan politik di Timur Tengah memicu kekhawatiran tingginya inflasi di Asia. Akibatnya, indeks bursa asia kembali dalam tekanan dan IHSG ditutup melemah dipicu profit taking di sektor perbankan. Hari ini indeks diperkirakan masih dalam tekanan dengan bergerak di kisaran 3.400-3.500 dengan PTBA dan MEDC sebagai saham pilihan.

3. Sinarmas Sekuritas
Pada perdagangan hari ini, indeks masih cenderung melemah pada kisaran 3.384-3.465, karena suhu politik di Timur tengah yang kian memanas. Kondisi ini menyebabkan harga minyak mentah naik dan menekan IHSG. Kami merekomendasikan buy on weakness untuk AALI dan PGAS.

Rekomendasi HD Capital, 23 Februari 2011

Untuk Rabu, 23 Februari 2011, HD Capital merekomendasikan empat saham pilihan, yakni Astra International (ASII), Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI), dan Bank Mandiri (BMRI).
  • Walaupun IHSG terkoreksi akibat krisis Libya, namun support level kritis di 3.430 bertahan sehingga masih ada potensi untuk technical rebound terjadi
  • Beberapa "index movers" utama di sektor consumer (ASII, INDF) dan perbankan (BMRI, BBRI) menjadi menarik untuk diakumulasi.
  • IHSG close (22-02) 3.449.874(-47.769/-1.32%) (Val.Rp.2.9T)
  • Support: 3.430-3.350-3.250, Resistance: 3,500-3,550-3,650
Stock picks:
1.      Indofood (INDF): (BUY) (target: Rp 4.975) (close 21/02 Rp 4.825)
  • Kenaikan sebesar 0.5% atau 1% pada harga jual mie berdampak pada kenaikan pendapatan perusahaan hingga 4 -8% , dan penguatan 5% di rupiah berdampak pada kenaikan 10% margin.
  • Skenario ini membuat profit 2011 dapat naik 20% dengan kenaikan jual harga mie Rp 25 dan 80% untuk kenaikan Rp 50.
  • Entry (1) Rp 4.800, Entry (2) Rp 4.700, Cut loss point: Rp 4.550
2.   Bank BRI (BBRI) (BUY): (Target: Rp 4.900) (Close 22/02 Rp 4.750)
  • Walaupun terimbas kompetisi di sekmen UKM mikro, namun marjin masih dapat tumbuh di atas 7% akibat funding cost murah dan akuisisi Bank Agroniaga yang membuat proyeksi pertumbuhan kredit 18% untuk periode 2010-2012
  • Bank ini mempunyai kemampuan terbatas untuk mencari dana lewat mekanisme rights issue sehingga hal ini tidak akan dilakukan di 2011
  • ROE 30% tertinggi di antara semua bank pemerintah
  • Penurunan setoran dividen ke pemerintah bisa menjadi alternatif untk mengurangi CAR dari penurunan lebih lanjut.
  • Entry (1) Rp 4.750, Entry (2) Rp 4.675, Cut loss point: Rp 4.550
3.   Astra International (ASII) (BUY): (Target: Rp 53.500) (Close 22/01 Rp 52.800)
  • Pullback akibat keadaan jenuh beli tertahan di support kritis price gap Rp 21.350, diperkirakan akan terjadi technical rebound di atas Rp 52.000.
  • Kenaikan volume penjualan di Januari sebesar 40% membuktikan bahwa permintaan masih tinggi dan keadaan tersebut akan berjalan hingga 2H 2011 dengan catatan BI bisa mengendalikan inflasi dan menahan suku bunga naik
  • Entry: (1) Rp 51.800, Entry (2) Rp 51.300, Cut loss point: Rp 50.600
4.  Bank Mandiri (BMRI) (BUY) (Target: Rp 6.150) (close 22/01 Rp 5.850)
  • Pasca rights issue 13T BMRI akhirnya dapat memperbaiki likuiditas untuk ekspansi dan CAR serta mempunyai fleksibilitas untuk pertumbuhan kredit lebih lanjut
  • Diperkirakan CAR akan naik ke 17% dari sebelumnya 11.6%
  • Penghapusan kredit macet Rp 1 triliun dari IPO Garuda dan penjualan aset Domba Mas (Rp 1,6 triliun) (total sekitar Rp 3,3 triliun) merupakan bukti dari NPL recovery success story
  • Policy kredit kedepan lebih fokus kepada aset yang berkualitas sehingga risko adanya debitor nakal dan kredit macet seperti dulu dapat terkurangi
  • Entry (1) Rp 5.800, Entry (2) Rp 5.700, Cut loss point: Rp 5.550
Dibuat oleh: 
Yuganur Wijanarko
Senior Research HD Capital (